The tale of a little big whale

The tale of a little big whale

Introducing Little Blue, our friendly little blue whale mascot

Protecting the ocean and its inhabitants is at the forefront of the Love Ocean mission and we've selected the iconic – and endangered – blue whale as the inspiration for our brand. 

Our Little Blue might be little, but this magnificent animal is the largest on the planet, weighing as much as 200 tons (that's 2.5 times as heavy as the space shuttle or the weight of 33 elephants). 

You'll be seeing a lot more of Little Blue over the coming months – so let's get familiar with some of what makes these wonderful marine mammals so special.

Blue Whale

The LO-down:

  • The blue whale has a heart the size of a VW Beetle.
  • Each one needs to eat around four tons of krill a day.
  • As well as being the Earth's largest creatures, blue whales are also the loudest – their low frequency whistle can be heard for hundreds of miles and is probably used to attract other 'blues'.
  • They prefer to live in deep ocean and are rarely found near the shore.
  • In the northern hemisphere, blue whales can be seen from Alaska to Costa Rica. In the North Atlantic Ocean, blue whales can be found near Greenland, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, while in the southern hemisphere, populations remain in the Antarctic and parts of the Indian Ocean.
  • The normal lifespan of a blue whale is around 90 years, although one famous whale is reported to have lived to 110 years old.
  • It's estimated that at their peak, there may have been over 350,000 blue whales in our oceans. However, humans have decimated their populations and now there are only between 10,000 and 25,000 left.

If our work can help turn the the tide, even by a little bit, we think it's worth it. After all, if we all do the same, those little amounts will quickly add up to something much larger. Check back in to hear more about Little Blue and follow our Instagram channel for more